Something Authentic

World Premiere of F.U.C.T.!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Yes, you read right. F.U.C.T!
But not the kind you're thinking of... perverted ¬¬

Today SoGoPro launched:WooHoo!

is about the (crazy and strange) going-ons of the backstage of a funky theatre.

There's a Clarisse Birdsong,(played by one Rachael Sutton)

There's a Walter, the (horny) Stage Manager,
(played by Taylor Kowalski)

And my personal favourite, so far
(though, I think I'm going to like her all the way through)
Fern Disco!
(played by Annetta Jenkins)
-you've just gotta love that name!-

There's no way I can explain to you what this was like,
you've got to watch it!
You'll have a great laugh, I assure you.

My favourite line from this episode:
Fern: "do I have my own dressing room?"
Clarisse: "no"
Fern: "can I?"
Clarisse: "I don't think so"
* Fern looks at Clarisse in a threatening manner*
Clarisse: "maybe..."


Do yourselves a favour and go watch F.U.C.T.!

(all photos by conrad burton/design by stephen jones & audrey cregan)

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