Something Authentic

Monkey Ella's Favourites (long post)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Natalie over @ Nat[UH]Lee made a list of favourites, so I thought I could make my own.
Here are my Favourites (so far):


1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J. K. Rowling
This is my fav book from the saga, it's where it all unravels.
And where Ron and Hermione -finally!- have their kiss <3

2. Dandelion Wine, by Ray Bradbury
I just love this book.
It's about a boy who discovers the real meaning of life.
Do yourself a favour and read it. Please.

3. (Partial Draft) Midnight Sun, by Stephenie Meyer
I truly hope SM finishes this book!
It is ah-mazing! Or what I read is.
Reading Edward's POV is completely different than reading (sometimes boring) Bella's.
Like SM said: "There is so much more to his side of the story than there is to Bella's in that first chapter. After all, Bella only knows that an incredibly gorgeous boy is looking at her funny. Meanwhile, Edward is suffering through one of the most momentous days of his very long life!"

4. La Casa de los Espíritus, by Isabel Allende
I love Isabel's writing, and this is one of my favourite books from her.
You could say it's historical, cause it narrates different events in Chile's history,
but there's also a love story <3
Actually, I think there are 3 love stories,
since it goes from grandma to mum to daughter's story.


1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
My fav HP film.
Why? Simple.

2. 50 First Dates
I heart Drew Barrymore.
And this film.
And I'd love to have a man who'd make me fall in love with him everyday.

3. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
I just saw this last month.
I fell in luuuvv. (silly me, I know)
M. Cera is my fav geeky actor.
And I want to name my unborn daughter Norah.
I think it's so sweet ^^

4. Pride and Prejudice
Keira did a great job in this film.
And I love Mr. Darcy <3
He's so stubborn, but you know that deep down he loves her too.

(random order)

Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd
Pictures of You, The Cure
Look After You and How To Save a Life, The Fray
Kindly Unspoken, Kate Voegele
Después de Ti, Alejandro Lerner
Pa' Bailar, Bajofondo feat. Julieta Venegas (please listen to this)
Secret Crowds, Angels & Airwaves
Fingerprints, Thinking of You, Self Inflicted, Katy Perry
Tremble For My Beloved, Collective Soul
Flightless Bird, American Mouth, Iron & Wine
Won't Go Home Without You, Maroon 5
Littlest Things, Lily Allen
Bedshaped and Somewhere Only We Know, Keane
The Resolution, Jack's Mannequin


Brothers & Sisters
Gossip Girl
One Tree Hill
Veronica Mars


1. Peyton E. Sawyer
My 2nd daughter's gonna be named Peyton

2. Hermione J. Granger
My fav character from a book!
She's as stubborn and determined as I am.
But I'm not as clever as she is :P



So, this is my list.
Do we share any of these favs?

1 monkey thoughts:

Lisa Rusczyk said...

Floyd and the Cure, 50 First Dates, and, of course, reading and writing!

And anything Harry Potter.

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