Something Authentic

fill in the blank friday #3

Friday, February 19, 2010

*click on the pic for source/original post*

1. If I could medal in an olympic event it would be the snowboarding half pipe, because that would be so hardcore . (lauren's answer, but i'd say the exact same thing, so i'm not changing it, because i'm too lazy)

2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take my books, my notebook, and my collection of CDs. Also maybe Peyton, but if I could keep her healthy.

3. Plugs and electricity are my most irrational fear.

4. I'd rather learn phonetics everyday, than learn English grammar everyday.

5. I am really tired, and happy of having found a cool hobbie that could give me some profits in the future.

6. I should really be sleeping (it's 3 am) .

7. One of my favorite things in all the world is my dog, Peyton. :)

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